
Rush Limbaugh, …

2 Dec

Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, John Boehner…… the TOP American Self-Dominated REPUBLICANs are always out there to fulfill their PERSONAL/Individual’s AGENDA. RICH Peope become more Richer and Poor people become more Poorer….this is their TOP Priority and AGENDA. My AGENDA is to address this issue and keep pushing for the National Betterment not the Individual’s Special Interest.

MD Rabbi Alam.
Candidate U.S. Senate 2016
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Dec 2/ 2012

Missouri Right to Life Political Action Committee Endorsed MD Rabbi Alam for MO Secretary of State

17 Jun

Missouri Right to Life Endorsed MD Rabbi Alam for “Missouri Secretary of State” race. MD Alam is is expecting to gain more endorsements in coming weeks.



Please come out Vote and Elect MD Alam for Missouri’s next Secretary of State.

MD Alam’s Campaign website: http://www.md4mo.org

Direct: (816) 372-1873

Email: mdpaac@mdpaac.org

Missouri Right to Life Political Action Committee Endorsed MD Rabbi Alam for MO Secretary of State

17 Jun


Missouri Right to Life Endorsed MD Rabbi Alam for “Missouri Secretary of State” race. MD Alam is is expecting to gain more endorsements in coming weeks.





Please come out Vote and Elect MD Alam for Missouri’s next Secretary of State.

MD Alam’s Campaign website: http://www.md4mo.org

Direct: (816) 372-1873

Email: mdpaac@mdpaac.org

MD Alam: Speaking to the Campaign

30 Apr

MD Alam – Candidate of “Missouri Secretary of State -2012” speaking at the Campaign. The message is for the citizens.

Hello Missourians: Please Vote for MD Alam for Missouri Secretary of State

30 Apr
MD Alam Officially Files for Missouri Secretary of State US Election: 2012:
On March 6’ 2012, I have officially filing as a candidate for Missouri Secretary of State. I entitled to tell you how grateful I am for all your encouragement and continuous support in the months since we launched this journey as to be part of Main Stream Political Process. Here I am looking forward to bring us out from the inside of the box to the outer space which is so called main streaming. Everywhere I have been traveling to people is telling me about how much they are frustrated and they are not helped from any way to a shape or any means.
My biggest reason for running for office is to show a hope to a generation that can be active part of the decisions making process. Any system where insiders get rewarded and we get stuck paying the bill is wrong and needs to be fixed. That’s why I’m running for a House of Representatives. I’m running because Missourians as whole and the Missourians Immigrant Communities deserve a House of Representatives who will work for them, NOT the big corporate interests…as an Asian American Leaders setting up the example for the 2nd Generation of Asian-American Immigrants. Who does not know the great “We deserve to have Life, liberty and Pursuit to Happiness” but it will never come to us that easily as if we do not develop the schema and understand the process of the Pro-Political motivations. My goal is to bring our generation on board and have them understanding of Political dedication.
As we are a positive force to the Community, we want to build the Community and reshape the Political Organizational Structure which is justified by the system and as a politician we have better approach to be part of the community building strategies and take a key role of inelegant community matters. The Secretary of State is responsible for gaining fairness to our economy and creating jobs, not giving excuses to protect the status quo. And the Secretary of State is committed to hold the accountability in the capital and cross the State.
That’s why I’m working so hard along with your self-less support to reach out to people in all parts of the state. In the past few months alone, we’ve crossed a lot of miles – nation-wide as well as. Our visit including, visits in Springfield, Joplin, Columbia, Jeff City, St. Louis in Missouri, Butler MO, Drexel Missouri. Recently our National Trip to New-York City, Up State New York, Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx and Johnson County New York, Peterson NJ, Nework NJ, Boston MA, Richmond VA, Baltimore MD, Little Rock AK, Minneapolis MN, and, Memphis TN. Our statewide and nationwide grassroots team is a real inspiration…and will make all the difference in this election and beyond the 2012
I want you to reflect back on what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said in 1964 as “I have a Dream” now it is our dream to be a class one citizen. At this moment we can no more remain on the sidelines. It is our promise to bring the Immigrants Communities to be take active part of the new election process. As one of the very first time candidates of the great Show Me States from the Asian-American race and looking forward to set up the milestone as the front liner who is a proud Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans served the country and now ready to serve the community. I beleive in Economic Development and Transformative Intellectuality will make me a great leaders in this great nation. With just over next eight months until Election Day, we can’t waste a single day. Our race remains one of the most interesting in the nation-wide as well as statewide. Every single volunteer, every single dollar raised, and every single vote is going to count; we are so grateful for your support. To all of you, always remember, “A Great Idea without a Great Planning is Just a Dream Only”
I know this is the right fight. And I know we can win. But, as we beleive, we will need your help every step of the way. Please think about ways you can help and support MD Alam to be elected as the First Asian-Americans to the Missouri General Assembly” Please send me an email mdpaac@md4mo.org
I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for all you do.
MD Alam for Candidate Missouri Secretary of State
Direct: (202) 618-0048
Cell: (816) 372-1873
MD Alam: Candidate, Missouri Secretary of State, 2012